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  • Car battery suddenly out of power 3 ways to save
  • AddTime:2015/8/11  Hits:[5553]
  • Believe that often drives you the occasional car battery suddenly out of power. 4S shop's maintenance staff said, to prevent the battery suddenly no electricity, usually pay more attention to their car is the best way "issued a distress signal." This signal has the following forms: one is the Starter does not turn or turn weaker, the Starter doesn't start; the second is headlights darker than usual three speaker volume is low and even sound. The problems mentioned above, owners should check whether the problem is the battery.

    In order to minimize battery power consumption, 4S shop experts put forward two proposals: first, to avoid the engine shuts off long time to turn on the light or listening to the radio, and second, even if the engine is running, if the parking time is longer, should also use unnecessary electrical equipment (such as car lights and sound, navigation within and outside) power supply is switched off. Develop good habits, you can avoid unnecessary trouble.

    But in case the battery suddenly no electricity, there are several ways to "help themselves".

    One cart start is the most familiar and most effective methods of emergency starting, but it is an instrument of last resort, cannot be used, because it has some damage on the engine and clutch, automatic starting vehicles in particular, avoid using this method.

    Second, in order to avoid when the battery is not charging, the owner should prepare a jumper cable in the car, auto parts can be bought in shops in General. However, when connecting jumper cables, do not get jumper cables wrong join order. First dead battery positive terminal connected with the positive terminal of the car battery, car battery's negative terminal connected with the dead metal parts of the engine room (ground wire). Jumper cable connected, start the car engine, and slightly increase the engine speed, and about 5 minutes later, may apply to the emergency charging of batteries run out of power. After charging is completed, according to jumper cables with the connection remove the jumper cables in reverse order.

    The most reliable way is to contact the rescue vehicles, and connect the jumper cables, by rescue vehicles temporary charge in order to start the engine.

    Finally, the experts warned, the battery life is generally 2-3. After this period, owners pay special attention to the usual battery of maintenance, was promptly replaced when necessary, so as to avoid danger.

    (Editor:SIPANI Battery/kuang)
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